4331 Carolina Ave. Richmond, VA 23222
(804) 303-1442
Contact Us

Mail Design

When it comes to mailing, not only do we handle the logistics side of your order but we can handle the creativity side of things as well.  Mail Design is just one of the many services we provide here at Direct Mail Works.  From trademarking to mail packages, we can fulfill your design needs.  We have an on staff graphic designer with a portfolio overflowing of direct mail projects.  Design can come in various types of formats including: 

  1. Flyers 
  2. Letterhead
  3. Reply Envelopes
  4. Postcards
  5. Brochures
  6. Stitched Booklets
  7. Newsletters

To learn more about our mail design services call us at (804) 303-1442 or complete our form below.