4331 Carolina Ave. Richmond, VA 23222
(804) 303-1442
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Data Conversion


Data Conversion Services with the Highest Level of Security

Do you have any concerns with the security of your direct mail?  Well this is not an issue here at Direct Mail Works.  We use bulletproof FTP for control over connected users and where the files go.  We then sort your data to a finer detail level.  It's a little extra work for us but saves a lot of extra work for the USPS.  In return, they decrease postage costs.  We then pass those savings on to you.  Through Variable Data Printing, you can customize your print outs based on various demographics.  For example, you could send a specific imagery and text to thank a couple for their donation and then use a different combination of imagery and text

to motivate a retired empty nester woman in Florida.  All this can be done in one printing run.  The final step in data conversion is to actually sort the mail for delivery.  Here at Direct Mail Works, we use the top of the line software called AccuZIP Business Professional which is a licensee of the USPS that provides NCOA (National Change of Address).   This software allows us to confirm that each individual mail is sent to the correct location in a timely fashion.  Some NCOA processing software may have optional services but the following are included with AccuZIP.  

  1. Scripting
  2. Merge/Purge of Lists
  3. List Creation and Presorting

It costs a bit more but after research, time, and effort, we choose our data conversion software to ensure our clients are given a final quality product.  To learn more about our data conversion services call us at (804) 303-1442 or complete our form below.